Ali Werbeloff - Apricity

Ali Werbeloff_Apricity_Oil On Linen_Timber Shadow Frame_$1500.jpeg
Ali Werbeloff_Apricity_Oil On Linen_Timber Shadow Frame_$1500.jpeg

Ali Werbeloff - Apricity


51 × 43.5cm
Oil on Linen Framed

The ocean calls to us like our lover. We are connected by the energy of something beyond ourselves.Some call it a blue mind, some call it awe, some call it their compass, but all call it love. Being in or near it is calming and healing. The snorkelers at Fairy Bower step out from where the two worlds meet, the sea splashing gently around their rubbery fins. The ocean invites them in and the sun encourages them. The fish dance about and the colours of the seagrass wave to them. It is a love story between man and ocean, and they are seduced. 

The swimmers at Shelly beach are the Sirens of the Sea, tempting you in…follow us, follow us. Evenunder the warmth of a winter sun, the cold ocean still calls. The apricity touches their faces, and kisses the towels they will wrap themselves in. 

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